Statement on the Analytical Forensic Testing Laboratory at the University of Illinois Chicago
Earlier today, the Horseracing Integrity and Safety Authority (HISA) and Horseracing Integrity & Welfare Unit (HIWU) were notified by the Racing Medication & Testing Consortium (RMTC) that the RMTC had suspended its accreditation of the Analytical Forensic Testing Laboratory at the University of Illinois Chicago (“UIC Lab”). This laboratory is responsible for analyzing all samples collected in Illinois, which constitute approximately 3% of all samples collected to date under the Anti-Doping and Medication Control (ADMC) Program.
The ADMC Program rules require that RMTC-accredited laboratories are used prior to the implementation of HISA Equine Analytical Laboratory (HEAL) accreditation standards, which will take effect in 2025.
With the RMTC’s decision to suspend accreditation for the UIC Lab, HIWU is immediately diverting samples collected in Illinois to other Program laboratories. HISA and HIWU remain in communication with the RMTC and Illinois Racing Board for this ongoing matter and have no further comment at this time.
Alexa Ravit, HIWU Director of Communications & Outreach
(816) 516-9572